Submitted or to be submitted
- Pumping-Like Results for Copyless Cost Register Automata and Polynomially Ambiguous Weighted Automata [arxiv]
with Antoni Puch and Daniel Smertnig.
- Fined-Grained Complexity of Ambiguity Problems on Automata and Directed Graphs [arxiv]
with Karolina Drabik, Anita Dürr, Fabian Frei and Karol Węgrzycki.
The published papers below are grouped by topics. See also my dblp.
Vector addition systems
- The Tractability Border of Reachability in Simple Vector Addition Systems with States [arxiv]
with Dmitry Chistikov, Wojciech Czerwiński, Łukasz Orlikowski, Henry Sinclair-Banks and Karol Węgrzycki, FOCS 2024.
- Soundness of reset workflow nets [arxiv]
with Michael Blondin, Alain Finkel, Piotr Hofman and Philip Offtermatt, LICS 2024.
- Acyclic Petri and Workflow Nets with Resets [arxiv]
with Dmitry Chistikov, Wojciech Czerwiński, Piotr Hofman, and Henry Sinclair-Banks, FSTTCS 2023.
- Monus semantics in vector addition systems with states [arxiv]
with Pascal Baumann, Khushraj Madnani and Georg Zetzsche, CONCUR 2023.
- Coverability in VASS Revisited: Improving Rackoff's Bound to Obtain Conditional Optimality [arxiv]
with Marvin Künnemann, Lia Schütze, Henry Sinclair-Banks and Karol Węgrzycki, ICALP 2023 (best paper award).
- Fast Termination and Workflow Nets [paper]
with Piotr Hofman and Philip Oftermatt, CAV 2023.
- Coverability in 2-VASS with One Unary Counter is in NP [arxiv]
with Henry Sinclair-Banks and Karol Węgrzycki, FOSSACS 2023.
- Verifying generalised and structural soundness of workflow nets via relaxations [arxiv]
with Michael Blondin and Philip Oftermatt, CAV 2022.
- The complexity of soundness in workflow nets [arxiv]
with Michael Blondin and Philip Oftermatt, LICS 2022.
- Continuous One-Counter Automata [arxiv]
with Michael Blondin, Tim Leys, Philip Oftermatt and Guillermo A. Pérez, LICS 2021.
The journal version is in ACM TOCL.
- Reachability in fixed dimension vector addition systems with states [arxiv]
with Wojciech Czerwiński, Sławomir Lasota, Ranko Lazić and Jérôme Leroux, CONCUR 2020.
- Reachability for Bounded Branching VASS [arxiv]
with Michał Pilipczuk, CONCUR 2019.
- The Reachability Problem for Petri Nets is Not Elementary [arxiv]
with Wojciech Czerwiński, Sławomir Lasota, Ranko Lazić and Jérôme Leroux, STOC 2019 (best paper award).
The journal version is in JACM.
- Affine Extensions of Integer Vector Addition Systems with States [arxiv]
with Michael Blondin and Christoph Haase, CONCUR 2018.
The journal version is also with Mikhail Raskin and is in LMCS.
- Polynomial-Space Completeness of Reachability for Succinct Branching VASS in Dimension One [pdf]
with Diego Figueira, Ranko Lazić, Jérôme Leroux and Grégoire Sutre, ICALP 2017.
- Timed pushdown automata and branching vector addition systems [pdf]
with Lorenzo Clemente, Sławomir Lasota and Ranko Lazić, LICS 2017.
The journal version is in ACM TOCL.
Weighted automata
- Determinisation and Unambiguisation of Polynomially-Ambiguous Rational Weighted Automata [arxiv]
with Ismaël Jecker and David Purser, LICS 2024.
- On Rational Recursive Sequences [arxiv]
with Lorenzo Clemente, Maria Donten-Bury and Michał Pilipczuk, STACS 2023.
- The boundedness and zero isolation problems for weighted automata over nonnegative rationals [arxiv]
with Wojciech Czerwiński, Engel Lefaucheux, David Purser and Markus A. Whiteland, LICS 2022.
- On polynomial recursive sequences [arxiv]
with Michaël Cadilhac, Charles Paperman, Michał Pilipczuk and Géraud Sénizergues, ICALP 2020.
The journal version is in TOCS.
- A Robust Class of Linear Recurrence Sequences [arxiv]
with Corentin Barloy, Nathanaël Fijalkow and Nathan Lhote, CSL 2020.
The journal version is in Information and Computation.
- Weak Cost Register Automata are Still Powerful [arxiv]
with Shaull Almagor, Michaël Cadilhac and Guillermo A. Pérez, DLT 2018.
The journal version is in IJFCS.
- When is Containment Decidable for Probabilistic Automata? [arxiv]
with Laure Daviaud, Marcin Jurdziński, Ranko Lazić, Guillermo A. Pérez and James Worrell, ICALP 2018.
The journal version is in JCSS.
- Pumping lemmas for weighted automata [pdf]
with Cristian Riveros, STACS 2018.
The journal version is also with Agnishom Chattopadhyay and Anca Muscholl and is in LMCS.
- Copyless Cost-Register Automata: Structure, Expressiveness, and Closure Properties [pdf][arxiv]
with Cristian Riveros, STACS 2016.
The journal version is in JCSS.
- Maximal partition logic: towards a logical characterization of copyless cost register automata [pdf]
with Cristian Riveros, CSL 2015.
Database related logics
- Eliminating recursion from monadic datalog programs on trees [arxiv]
with Joanna Ochremiak and Adam Witkowski, MFCS 2015.
- Monadic Datalog and Regular Tree Pattern Queries [pdf]
with Filip Murlak and Adam Witkowski, MFCS 2014.
The journal version is in ACM TODS.
- Decidability of weak logics with deterministic transitive closure [pdf]
with Witold Charatonik and Emanuel Kieroński, CSL-LICS 2014.
- Complexity of Two-Variable Logic on Finite Trees [pdf]
with Saguy Benaim, Michael Benedikt, Witold Charatonik, Emanuel Kieronski, Rastislav Lenhardt and James Worrell, ICALP 2013.
The journal version is in ACM TOCL.
- Dynamic Data Structures for Timed Automata Acceptance [arxiv]
with Alejandro Grez, Michał Pilipczuk, Gabriele Puppis and Cristian Riveros, IPEC 2021.
The journal version is in Algorithmica.
- Let's Agree to Degree: Comparing Graph Convolutional Networks in the Message-Passing Framework [arxiv]
with Floris Geerts and Guillermo A. Pérez, ICML 2021.